Let's build a community of young black Entrepreneurs.
Lets talk business,lets talk Growth,Lets share Knowledge,Lets Collaborate,lets Celebrate each other,lets Eat together,lets go out,lets start an unstoppable Entrepreneurial movement,the future economy of our people is in our hands,lets take back whats ours....I know we different and it ain't gonna be easy but lets atleast Try
Know Your People!
You cant go around explaining yourself to everyone that thinks otherwise about you or believes whats been told or rumored about you.Mtase save gas those kinda people wont add value into your life anyway let them conclude without you as they already did mentally
So when we lack money we declare yourselves as BROKE i am BROKE really uphukile?
And when we follow our passion that pays little for a certain time we call it Hustling,is it really hard doing what lies in your heart?siyakgereza
Never mind this is just questioning alot of things as usual but i am starting to have serious problem with the terminologies I've been using and i realized they are influenced by the lack of money....why is money so valuable
You'll probably get another Cloudy cold day but most definitely you wont ever get this Day..So dont fall for the Trap. do not Procrastinate stick to the Plan and Get Things Done as Planned
#happy Saturday