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Jiang, is a perennial herb. Rhizome for medicinal, sold or avoiding can make cooking ingredients or pickles, sugar ginger.

Jiang, is a perennial herb. Rhizome for medicinal, sold or avoiding can make cooking ingredients or pickles, sugar ginger. Stems, leaves, roots can be extracted aromatic oil, used in food, beverage and cosmetics spices. In akba boswellic acid addition to containing ketone of ginger oil, ginger ginger hydroxybenzene Physiological active substances, but also contain protein, polysaccharide, vitamin and various trace elements, nutrition, flavor, health care, antioxidant, appetizers spleen, heat, cooling, the sterilization detoxification effect and so on.
1. The antioxidant of ginger gingerol and diphenyl heptane compounds structure, has the very strong resistance to oxidation and free radicals; Often eat ginger can anti-aging, older people often eat ginger can be in addition to age spots.
2. Appetizers spleen, promote appetite in the hot summer, because the human saliva, gastric juice secretion reduces, thus affect appetite, if before a meal to eat a few slices of ginger, can stimulate the secretion of saliva, gastric carnosic acid price juice and digestive juices, increase the gastrointestinal peristalsis, increase appetite.
3. Heat, cool and refreshing in the hot temperatures to eat some ginger can have excited, the action of sweat, cool and refreshing. For a general heat performance, such as dizziness, palpitation, chest tightness, nausea, and so on and so forth of the patient, proper drink ginger soup, with health care The stomach, refreshing, refreshing effect.
4. Ginger detoxification sterilization, acetanilide detumescence can have the effect of antibiotics, especially for salmonella is better. In the hot temperatures, food susceptible to bacterial contamination, and grow fast, easy to cause acute gastroenteritis, right amount eat raw Ginger can control effect. Ginger extract significantly inhibit and kill the first skin fungi vaginal trichomoniasis effect, can treat various carbuncle swollen chuangdu. In addition, the available water containing wash ginger treat halitosis and periodontitis.
Nutritional value ginger contains substances such as protein, carbohydrate, vitamins, and contain plant antimicrobial, its bactericidal action as Onions and garlic. Ginger also contains more volatile oil can inhibit the absorption glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate of human body of cholesterol, prevent the liver and serum cholesterol The accumulation of. Volatile oil main ingredients for ginger alcohol and ginger ene, water celery, citral, linalool, etc.
Jiang, is a plant of rhizome, or rhizomes, since ancient times in China, India and the Arabic as the medicinal herbal tradition. In China, for example, ginger is used to help digestion and cure stomach discomfort, diarrhea and nausea has more than 2000 Years of history. Since ancient times, ginger is also used to assist the treatment of arthritis, colic, diarrhea, and heart disease. In the country of origin in Asia as a cooking condiment for at least 4400 years, ginger grows in tropical moist fertile soil.
Ginger root is widely as a mild stomach digestion auxiliaries, and professional herbalists recommended to help prevent or treat due to motion sickness, pregnancy cause nausea and vomiting. Has good resistance to gastric ulcer, cholagogue tannic acid astringent function, protect liver, strong heart, inhibit platelet Gather, dizzy, antitumor, central inhibition, enhance immunity, antibacterial, insecticidal, anti-inflammatory effect, but also has strong antioxidant capacity. Used as food additives; Used for confecting essence.


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