Legend of the frontier wasteland-Huang Yi _ txt novel paradise

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Legend of the frontier wasteland-Huang Yi _ txt novel paradise

If Xie Xuan was still alive, even with Sun En's wisdom and martial arts, he would not dare to act rashly and bring about his own destruction. Liu Yu, as the successor of Xie Xuan, must continue Xie Xuan's prestige and not let evil get the way. "What about Sun En?" He asked. Wang Hong replied, "After Wang Ningzhi was killed, Sun En became even more powerful, and the rebellious people of the eight prefectures responded.". At present, the Tianshi Army has three hundred thousand troops and more than a thousand warships. "What?" Said Liu Yu. Song Beifeng sighed, "No one can imagine that Sun En is so appealing.". An Gong had been worried about this situation before his death, so he tried to resolve it. Unfortunately, the government had been controlled by Sima Daozi, a traitor. After the death of An Gong, the imperial court relapsed and devoted itself to protecting the interests of the southern aristocratic families living in Jiankang, ignoring the interests of the local aristocratic families in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. The chaos of Sun En was a great outbreak of resentment among the local aristocratic families, so it could not be regarded only as a rebellion. There were many people of insight who followed Sun En. Therefore, the Tianshi Army is not easy to pay. Wang Hong nodded and said, "This time the Tianshi Army is making trouble for the second time. It is so fierce. It is precisely because there are many generals who are proficient in the art of war. One of them, Zhang Meng, is particularly outstanding.". This man is known as "the first Guan Dao in the Eastern Jin Dynasty". He not only has excellent martial arts, but also is not inferior to Xu Daofu in fighting. He has become the first fierce general in the Tianshi Army. Liu Yu's heart sank. Unexpectedly,information kiosk price, after the defeat of Bian Huangji, the power of the Tianshi Army swelled so much. The total strength of the north government soldiers is less than one hundred thousand, with one hundred thousand people to more than three hundred thousand soldiers, and the generals have their own disloyalty, the strength of the situation, obviously. "After Wang Gong was killed," said Wang Hong with a sigh,face recognition identification, "Sima Daozi promoted his son Sima yuanxian to the post of minister. People called Sima Daozi as "Donglu", Sima yuanxian as "Binglu", and Sima yuanxian as the founder of "Yueshijun", who spent a lot of money and made the treasury empty. What was most criticized was that Sima yuanxian's generals were all the seven sons of Jiankang, who were friends with him. Everyone knew that they were flatterers, but only he thought that they were heroes or celebrities. This group of traitors have no self-restraint, and Sima yuanxian wantonly harbors them, which makes the government even more unbearable. We are completely disappointed with their father and son. Liu Yuzhen had a headache. As soon as An Gong left, the political situation of Jiankang was getting worse. Being in the Bureau, he understood better than anyone the intrigues among the forces of the Jiankang court. The landscape of the Great Jin Dynasty can only be "tottering". To describe. "What about Huan Xuan?" He asked with a wry smile. "That's strange," said Song Beifeng! Huan Xuan has been very disciplined recently, and there is no provocative behavior. Liu Yu snorted coldly, "This only means that he has a complete plan to seize the throne. As long as Yang Quanqi and Yin Zhongkan are removed, he will launch a full-scale campaign." Wang Hong and Song Beifeng were silent. Liu Yu wanted to ask about Song Beifeng and Yan Fei, but he knew it was not appropriate to talk about this in front of Wang Hong, facial recognization camera ,interactive kiosk price, so he had to find another chance. "When I get to Jiankang, I hope I can pay a visit to your father as soon as possible," he said to Wang Hong. "I'll arrange it," said Wang Hong cheerfully. "My father would like to see Brother Liu, too." Liu Yu stood up and said, "The blood of the children of the Xie family will not flow by itself. As long as I, Liu Yu, have a breath, I will seek justice from Sun En.". I, Liu Yu, made a vow here that I would uproot the Tianshi Army and restore the glory of the Beifu Army's defeat of Fu Jian in the Feishui River under the banner of Xuanshuai. Feng Xiang led Gao Yan and others, who had just landed, to walk toward the gate of Shouyang. The crowd lined the streets to welcome them, which made them still feel unreal as if they were in a dream. Why did they get such a grand reception? Zhuo Kuangsheng was the first to ask, "Where did Boss Feng get so many people?" "They all came on their own," said Feng with an air of dignity. Gao Yan lost his voice and said, "Is it voluntary?"? I thought the boss bought them off with money. Old Feng laughed and said, "That makes sense. But the money didn't come from my pocket. It was given to them by you." "We shouldn't have spent half a penny," said Mu Rongzhan. Is that right? The last sentence is to ask Gao Yan. Boss Feng said cheerfully, "I never thought that the effect of traveling to the frontier wasteland would be so great. Since gangs from all over the country have been widely publicized, people who want to travel to the frontier wasteland have flocked here from all over the country. Shouyang has become prosperous. All the inns are full, and the business of shops and restaurants is so good that they are overwhelmed.". Do you think the people in Shouyang City should be grateful to you? Do you think they should give you a warm welcome? Everyone was suddenly enlightened. Fenglaodaodao: In fact, since the Battle of Feishui, tourists have been coming to see this famous place of decisive battle between the north and the south. It is only because Shouyang is close to the border wasteland that those who do not know are afraid of many thieves, so they dare not come to visit. However, when the news of the tour came out, people were wary, so they all came to open their eyes. He added with a smile, "Recently, more than 20 wine shops and teahouses have been temporarily set up by the Feishui River. All of them are full of guests and friends. No matter how expensive the wine and tea are, tourists are still happy to patronize them.". Ha! More than ten of them were opened by our Yingkou Gang, and a storyteller was invited to talk about the wonderful battle of Feishui. While drinking tea, while thinking about the power of Xuanshuai's defeat of millions of barbarian troops, how expensive it is worth it. People can only listen to the points, but also feel that the frontier can not afford to lose. "How is the tour group?" Asked Tuoba Yi. Boss Feng sighed, "The enthusiastic response of the masses everywhere was unexpected beforehand.". After the first shot, the regiment was full for the whole month. What I'm afraid of now is not that there is no business, but that I can't cope with it. Three ships are certainly not enough. Can you build a few more building boats? Gao Yan held out his chest and said, "This can be studied carefully." Zhuo Kuangsheng asked, "Where are the group members who will leave tomorrow in the city now?" Feng eldest brother led the people straight into the gate, the guard not only did not ask half a sentence, but also salute. "Don't worry, everyone," he said with a smile. "Of course I, Fengxiang, have done a good job of what the young lady has told me. They all live in the frontier wilderness inn,touch screen kiosk, and there is a rent-free discount, how should the first group give some special benefits! Gao Yan said, "The Grand Inn of the Frontier Wilderness?"? How could it be so coincidental? 。 hsdtouch.com
