The Complete Works of the February River Emperor Series

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The Complete Works of the February River Emperor Series

"Then play by the rules." Nian Gengyao frowned and said, "Bring the wine and pour ten bowls. I'll see them off in person." In an instant, two soldiers had carried a jar of wine, poured ten bowls on the handsome table, and stuffed them into the hands of ten guards kneeling on the ground who were already scared silly. Nian Gengyao himself took a bowl and glanced at Sang Chengding. Sang Chengding understood and bowed out. With the wine in hand, Nian Gengyao slowly stepped down the steps. He had already changed into a compassionate face. Wen Yu comforted him by saying, "The emperor sent you here to earn fame with one knife and one shot. You have come to build a successful career for the court. I don't want you to die. I know that.". Mu Xiang, I actually have a deep friendship with your father. I have been there for the full moon and the hundred days. I also said that you are promising. The young Feng is better than the old Feng in the future. How can I think that you will die under my arrow? Alas, where did this man come from. Muxiang shook so much that the wine in his bowl spilled all over his body. The more he listened to Nian Gengyao's "comfort," the more indescribably frightened he became. He looked around and saw a group of strange faces. He couldn't even count on an intercessor. Suddenly his face turned as pale as window paper. He said in a trembling voice, "We're new here. We don't know the rules. We've offended the general.". Nowadays I know I'm wrong. Since the general read that year and my father's friendship, hope to forgive, willing to a knife and a gun dead set for the general to serve the battlefield. "That's not what I said." Nian Gengyao's tone was more peaceful. "This is a handsome tiger tent. It's not a child playing house. Smash the guy and start again.". I have indulged you, and it is difficult for me to control others. When I return to Beijing in the future, of course I will go to your house to apologize. Oh, when you went to Xiguan, the military Academy there didn't preach discipline to you? Ten bodyguards Zhang Huang, in fact, is to preach discipline they refused to listen to, blindly make a joke to make wine scold seat out of the matter. Half a day later, Muxiang Afang said, "I've preached." "No wonder I'm heartless!" Nian Gengyao raised his face and drank the wine, threw the bowl casually,inflatable floating water park, turned his back and ordered, "Drag them out!" The cadets responded with a thunderstorm and rushed up to bind the ten bodyguards like a cold duck swimming in the water. No matter how they struggled and whined, they dragged them out of the main hall with their feet on the ground and pushed them down together in the empty field on the west side of the imperial furnace. In a flash, the bugle sounded sadly through the four directions, and all the battalions in the city knew that General Nian had killed people in March again. Just then, Yun and Wang Jingqi, one behind the other, ran down from the west side door,Inflatable dry slide, panting with their hands on the corners of their robes. Yun's complexion was not his complexion. He waved his hand and shouted to the executioner: "Slow down, keep people under the knife!" Then he hurried to the front of the main hall and knocked down his horseshoe sleeve with a "bang" and reported in a loud voice: "Please see General Nian in the front of the army, Jiu Bei Le Yun!" For a long time, I heard Nian Gengyao say coldly, "Please come in!" Promise to "prick" to promise. He was really able to put down his airs. He bowed to Nian Gengyao, kowtowed his head, and got up to play another thousand. Nian Gengyao south to accept the gift, think of the identity of the next person, a burst of pleasure in the heart. Turning to think, when these generals proofread the scene, they secretly played a copy of their own unceremonious ceremony. They were somewhat flustered. They quickly got up and bowed to each other, saying, "You don't have to sign up for the ceremony in the future, Ninth Master. Nian doesn't dare to bear it.". Set up a seat for the Ninth Master. "General Nian," said Yun, sitting down humbly and leaning forward, inflatable water slide ,Inflatable 5k obstacle, "I've come to beg for the favor of ten people from Muxiang." Nian Gengyao smiled and said, "Military law is merciless.". "Ninth Master, don't worry about these things. Just be rich and honorable." He blushed and said, "I was in a hurry to say something wrong.". Accustomed to serving the emperor, these bodyguards never knew that there were'rules' in the world, just like wild horses that had not been trained, and sometimes even the emperor was so angry that he could not help it. Sending them to the army also means giving them to you for discipline. Being considerate to the kindness of the emperor, I hope you can make an exception and have more than one child. "Ninth Master," said Nian Gengyao, "you know, I'm controlling the four provinces at this time, with more than a dozen troops and nearly 300,000 soldiers. The reward is not clear and the punishment is not heavy, which is a big taboo for the military. I forgive them, both sides of these people refuse to obey the order, but also how to restrain the army? Now for Rob The encirclement of Zang Danzeng has become a trend. All the armies can't act in unison. It will delay the military affairs. How can I see the emperor in the future? "General, all the generals!" Yun suddenly left his seat and knelt down in court. He bowed to the people around him and said, "They have violated military discipline and deserve to die. They dare not plead for mercy. When the country employs people, the emperor's benevolence, Yun is willing to act as a guarantor, and send these ten heads to them to atone for their sins and render meritorious service. I wonder if you can understand the general's loyalty to the country and the intention of cultivating talents in the temple court?" When all the people in the hall saw that the emperor's own brother was so modest and courteous, they could not help but feel hot in their hearts. They bowed to Nian Gengyao and said, "My subordinates are willing to protect ten bodyguards together with the Ninth Master." Nian Gengyao looked around at the crowd and suddenly chuckled, "I shouldn't take pleasure in killing people either. In that case, pass them on." Ten guards were brought in with dusty faces, and the arrogance of the first time they arrived at Xingyuan was swept away. They raised their eyes and gazed at him. They knelt down and kowtowed in turn. Muxiang said in a trembling voice, "Thank you, General, for not killing me. Thank you, Ninth Master, for saving my life. Thank you, brothers, for saving me." "Although the death penalty is over, the living crime is hard to forgive!" Nian Gengyao raised his face and said, "Everyone in the court has forty military sticks to make an example of others." Both sides of the military Academy "oh" to promise, can not help but say, come up on the spot to press down, crackling is a smelly beating. Nian Gengyao account of the military Academy is common, wooden face silent, allow where to see this? Listening to the dull sound of the military stick on the buttocks, I felt my hair stand on end. It was not until the corporal punishment was over that Nian Gengyao gave a satisfied "hum" and said, "I didn't groan for mercy. I still looked like one. Ten of you, line up under the tent and wait for orders! I tell you, there is something wrong with Nian, and you can play to the emperor without scruple-isn't that why you dare to be presumptuous? How dare the ten men raise their heads? "I dare not, I dare not," they answered. "I also have the right to play in secret." With a smirk on his face, Nian Gengyao slowly stepped down from his public seat. He paced slowly and said, "If the emperor believes me, how can he deliver hundreds of thousands of troops to me?"? You don't know anything! If I don't kill you today, it's not that I dare not. Ha Qingsheng is now attached to the forehead. Last month,inflatable bounce house with slide, he came from Sichuan to supervise the military provisions. Three days late, I beheaded him. I'll act first and report later! The emperor not only did not punish me, but also issued a decree to commend me. 。
